
Desayunos Nicas

-Leche Agria con Gallo Pinto                                                  
 (sour milk with rice and beans)
-Huevos Rancheros                                                               
 (Rice and Beans,Plantains,fried cheese,sour cream,avocado)
-Huevos Revueltos                                                              
 (Rice and Beans,sausage,fried cheese,sour cream,avocado)

Antojitos Nicas

 (yuca,skin pork,cabbage salad)
-Chancho con Yuca                                                              
 (pork with yuca)
-Costillas de Cerdo
 (Pork's ribs)
 (with coffe and bread)
-Tacos Nicas
 (Chicken or Mead order of 4)
-Guirilas con crema y tajadas
-Tajadas con Queso
 (Fried crispy plantain w/fried cheese and cabbage salad)
-Tostones con queso
 (Fried crispy plantain w/cheese)
-Maduro con Crema y Frijol
 (Sweet plantain w/fried cheese)
-Maduro con queso frito
 (sweet plantain w/cheese)
-Tamales de Elote
 (Corn tamales)


-Fritanga de Res
 (Rice with Beans,crispy and sweet plantain and fried cheese)
-Fritanga de Cerdo
 (Rice with beans,crispy and sweet plantain w/fried cheese)
-Lomo de cerdo asado
 (Roasted pork with white rice,fried cheese,fried sweeplantain)
-Churrasco con chimichurri
 (Chimichurri sauce,white rice,cabbage salad,fried cheese, crispy plantain)
-Pollo asado al carbon
 (Grilled chicken,rice and beans,fried cheese,plantains sweet or crispy)
-Pollo frito
 (Fried chicken w/ricemixed,fried cheese,french fries or plantains)

Sabado y Domingo
Saturday & Sunday

-Sopa de Mondongo
 (Beef tripe soup)
-Sopa de gallina con albondigas
 (Chicken soup w/ chicken meatballs)
-Sopa de cola
 (Cola Soup)
 (white rice)
-Sopa de Res
 (Beef Soup)

Almuerzos Tradicionales

-Carne a la plancha
 (Grilled steak,rice,beans,mash potatoes,fried cheese,fried sweet plantain
  and cabbage salad)
-Filete Jalapeño
 (Grilled steak w/jalapeño sauce,rice,beans,fried cheese and fried sweet
-Filete cholateño
 (Seasoned grilled steak w/rice, beans,handmade corn,quesadilla w/sour
  cream and fresh cheese)
-Bistec Encebollado o Enfomatado
 (Grilled steak w/tomatoes,onions,reb bell peppers,sweet sauce)
-Bistec con camarones
 (Grilled steak w/shrimp,served with rice, crispy plantains and fried cheese)
-Carne Desmenuzada
 (Shredded beef coocked w/sweet sauce,rice,beans,fried sweet plantains,
  fried cheese and cabbage salad)
-Lengua en Salsa
 (Beef tongue with our delicious sauce served with rice,beans,fried sweet
  plantain and fried cheese)
-Indio Viejo
 (Shredded beef, salsa on top served with rice and beans,fried cheese,
  fried sweet plantains)
 (Chop beef,onion,bell pepper with lime juice, served with rice,beans
  fried cheese,fried sweet plantains and cabbage salad)
-Parrillada para tres Personas
 (Gallo Pinto,crispy plantains,fried sweet plantains,fried cheese,
  enchilada and sausage)


-Filete de Pescado
 (Fish Fillet Nica)
-Camarones en salsa
 (sauced shrimps)
-Camarones a la diabla
 (Hot shrimps)
-Pescado Tipitapa
 (Tipitapa fish)
-Camarones al mojo de ajo
 (Shrimps to the garlic sauce)

Antojitos Salvadoreños
(Lunes y Miercoles/ Monday and Wednesday)

-Especial de 12 Pupusas
 (Pupusas Special 12pc)

Postres Nicas

-Buñuelos de yuca (Yuca dessert)
-Pio 5to
-Perrereques (corn bread)
-Cajetas de leche (candy of milk)
-Cajetas de coco ( coconut candy)

Bebidas Nicas

-Melon con Naranja
-Semilla de Jicaro
-Chia con tamarindo
-Ensalada de frutas

Menu para niños

-Hot dog
-Hamburger (with french fries)
-Chicken wings (with french fries)